Rayjon Share Care of Sarnia Inc.
Rayjon Share Care of Sarnia Inc. is committed to reducing poverty and promoting self-sufficiency in impoverished communities. Through education, training and capacity building, women are empowered to become agents of change. In Consuelo, Dominican Republic, Rayjon supports a center that houses a preschool as well as nutrition, agricultural and life skills programs. The center location, Barrio 41, is an important one, as many residents survive by scavenging the refuse piles for items they can resell, wear or even eat. Many households are headed by single women of Haitian descent. They are largely uneducated and receive little or no support from the fathers of their children. As well, there are fears of exportation as many do not have documentation.
Quick Facts
Country: Dominican Republic
Grant Program: World Day of Prayer
Year of Grant: 2018-2019
Grant Amount: $2,000
Moma Can (Momá Puede)
Ten women residing on a Consuelo batey (sugar plantation settlement) successfully graduated from a comprehensive 6 month training program of sewing skills. (classes 3x week) Two new sewing machines were purchased to both improve the access for batey women, and to establish a new sewing site.
At a graduation ceremony, all the women related how their self-confidence and self-worth had improved.
Plans are in place to expand the lessons. Train the Trainer model effects were evident.