My WICC Board Member Story – by Phyllis Buchner

Let me start by sharing this passage from Jeremiah 29: 11,12 (NRSV):

”For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm,  to give you a future with hope.  Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you”.

When my position as past president, National United Church Women (NUCW) was ending, I was nominated and elected as the NUCW appointee to the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada (WICC).  What a thrill that was!  This seemed to be a perfect fit as UCW has long been involved with women’s and family issues, both in Canada and beyond.

My first encounter with WICC was through World Day of Prayer (WDP) at my local United church.  We were hosting, and five denominations attended and took active roles.   We learned about a new country – some of their culture, a recipe or two, and we had lots of music and singing, and of course snacks.  It was an afternoon of pure joy and I couldn’t wait to find out which denomination would be hosting the next year.

In my home area on the north shore of Lake Erie, gatherings for WDP are usually hosted at a church. However, in 2019 one gathering was held at the local Canadian Legion.  It was successful!  The facility was totally accessible, there was lots of parking, and the organizers had full use of the kitchen.

Here’s a question I was asked:  Do you think if it storms on the day of WDP in Lindsay, Ontario or Medicine Hat, Alta or anywhere across this country, and the event is canceled, would this affect a grant to women in Angola?   The answer is YES.   Grants can only be offered as WDP offerings are received.  Choosing an alternative snow date in advance seems to be a great idea.

For me, listening and learning with others, and working to “restore hope to women touched by injustice” is humbling and a privilege.  I bid you peace.

Phyllis Buchner           Langton, Ontario         NUCW appointee to WICC.

9 comments on “My WICC Board Member Story – by Phyllis Buchner

  1. Nancy Sutherland on

    A lovely photo Phyllis. I enjoyed reading about your journey with WICC and your World Day of Prayer experience. I too enjoy learning about other countries and the lives of our sisters around the world Hopefully, I will be able to organize a World Day of Prayer Service in Peterborough in 2020.

    Blessings as you continue your faith journey to “restore hope to women touched by injustice”.


  2. Marilyn Moore on

    Thanks Phyllis for your insights. Very encouraging and challenging as well. We so often underestimate the importance of these gatherings.

  3. Joyce Doerksen on

    My husband and I work with Phyllis on a different board and often mention her excellent leadership to each other. Phyllis has a servant heart. I attended the WDP she writes about here and enjoyed watching the church ladies work with her. They really appreciate her too.

  4. Lynne Matschke on

    Very good article Phyllis, it is amazing what makes a difference in many lives, isn’t it?

    I know how you have helped and improved many lives, including mine.

  5. Sandra Child on

    I like the idea of an alternate date chosen in advance. Here is Calgary Alberta we have had a few nasty days with snow , wind, and cold already.

    Sandra Child Calgary Alberta

  6. Eleanor Arless on

    Congratulations and all the best! It is a great learning experience to serve on WICC. I had this past blessing. All the best!

  7. Mary Mohn on

    Thank you for sharing this story written by someone that I know personally. I look forward to sharing it at our Fellowship of the Least Coin Service tomorrow! Mary Mohn co-chair of Birch Hills, Sask. UCW

  8. Victoria Lipsit on November 01-2019 at 2:30 on

    I am so glad that you are doing things that you enjoy and helping people at the same time . You are a wonderful person for that job . Keep up the good work . God bless.


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