Women’s Inter-Church Council of Fredericton


Fredericton, NB Photo Credit Stephen Pond


History of the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Fredericton, NB

1940 – The first women’s World Day of Prayer ceremony was held at St. John’s Anglican Church in

1964 – Agnes Minielly (Wilmot United Church) and Dorothy Skene (St. Paul’s United Church) invited
Fredericton women to organize a Women Inter-Church group and to have representation at citizenship
court. Thus, began the Women Inter-Church Council of Fredericton (WICF).

1987 – A book about the History of WICF was written by Louise Porter of Wilmot United Church and
Edith McLellan of Marysville United Church.

2008 – the 90th Anniversary of the WIC of Canada was celebrated at Christ Church Parish Church with
guest speaker Judith Snowdon, National President.

2009 – the 45th Anniversary of the WICF was celebrated at Christ Church Parish Church.

2014 – the 50th Anniversary of the WICF was celebrated at Brunswick Street Baptist Church.

Fredericton, NB Photo Credit Stephen Pond



Baptist Anglican United
Presbyterian Lutheran Wesleyan
Christian Reformed Salvation Army Roman Catholic



The WICF purpose is to unite the women of Fredericton and district in promoting the World Wide
Mission of Christianity through united prayer and action; and to promote the observance of the
World Day of Prayer and thus endeavor to link the women of Fredericton with similar praying groups
around the world.

Women’s Inter-Church Council of Fredericton members.


January – Begin meetings to plan the World Day of Prayer event to be held on the first Friday of
March; Assist and partake in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity to be held later in the month.
February – Bible Study regarding the World Day of Prayer.
March – We celebrate the World Day of Prayer on the first Friday. An Evaluation meeting of the
event is held later in the month, as we gather to enjoy a Pot Luck meal.
September – Executive Meeting
October – Annual General Meeting


September 28, 2024 will be the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of WICF.


Contact for information:

Linda Lamont, WICF President
Debbie Heustis, Publicity

Email Julie Ginter at fieldrep4@wicc.org for contact information.