Grant Stories

Cadence Leadership Resources

Cadence Leadership Resources provides and distributes leadership material, books and other resources to Christian organizations. Through this charity group, Burning Stone Ministries applied for a grant. Their mission is to ignite hope in Indigenous women and youth through safe and healthy opportunities, and to discover their Creator given identity and potential to change their world.

Quick Facts

Country: Canada

Grant Program: World Day of Prayer

Year of Grant: 2018-2019

Grant Amount: $5,000

Gikenden – to know it or realize it.

Two Mishkeegogamang women, Destani Skunk and Tanyaa Bottle, felt called to help their community and began a partnership with Burning Stone Ministries help make this a reality. As part of their NextLevel Leadership Indigenous facilitator journey, they mentored 10 young women during a weekend retreat.

Many of these remote Northern Ontario youth came from dysfunctional situations. Therefore, support was the focus before branching into leadership activities. Throughout, there was an acknowledgment of how negative thoughts can sabotage abilities and gifts. Leaders from Burning Stones Ministries, as well as Destani and Tanyaa, worked through the bravery path needed to help influence self and communities out of dysfunction.

One participant commented, “I loved being with all these girls who are bright and awesome and hanging out with some I didn’t know that well before. I learned how to start loving myself and how cool it is to be inspired by others. The place we stayed made me feel important and special.”