Book Recommendations

Looking to learn more? See our curated list of books about abuse, pastoral abuse & safe place policies, and human trafficking.

Books on Abuse

Adams, Carol J. Woman-Battering. Fortress Press, 1994.

Adams, Carol J. and Marie M. Fortune, Violence Against Women and Children: A Christian Theological Sourcebook. Continuum, 1995.

Albrecht, Elizabeth Soto. Family Violence: Reclaiming a Theology of Nonviolence. Orbis Books, 2008.

Allender, Dan B.  Healing the Wounded Heart: The Heartache of Sexual Abuse and the Hope of Transformation.    Baker Books 2016.

Allender, Dan B. The Wounded Heart: Hope for Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse.  NAVPress, 2008.

Archbishops Council, The Gospel, Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church.  Church House Publishing, 2016.

Branson, Brenda. Violence Among Us:  Ministry to Families in Crisis.  Judson Press, 2007.

Bromley, Nicole Braddock. Hush: Moving from Silence to Healing After Childhood Sexual Abuse.  Moody Publishers, 2007.

Capps, Donald.  The Child’s Song: The Religious Abuse of Children.  Westminster John Knox Press, 1995.

Cashman, Hilary.  Christianity and Child Sex Abuse: Changing Christian Attitudes. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2000.

Clark, Ron.  Freeing the Oppressed: A Call to Christians Concerning Domestic Abuse. Cascade Books, 2009.

Cooper-White, Pamela.  The Cry of Tamar: Violence Against Women and the Church’s Response. Fortress Press, 1995.

Crosson-Tower, Cynthia. A Clergy Guide to Child Abuse and Neglect. Pilgrim Press, 2006.

David, Graceamma. Sexual Abuse and Counselling of Victims with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Intervention and Prevention through Church and Society. Christian World Imprints, 2017.

Eugene, Toinette M. and James Poling Balm for Gilead: Pastoral Care for African American Families Experiencing Abuse.  Abingdon Press, 1998.

Feldmeth, Joanne Ross and Midge Wallace Finley. We Weep for Ourselves and Our Children: A Christian Guide for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Harper San Franciso, 1990.

Foote, Catherine.  Survivor Prayers: Talking with God about Childhood Sexual Abuse. Westminster John Knox Press, 1994.

Hancock, Maxine. Child Sexual Abuse: Hope and Healing. Shaw Books, 2000.

Frawley-O’Dea, Mary Gail. Perversion of Power: Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church.  Vanderbilt University Press, 2007.

Harder, Jeannette. Let the Children Come: Preparing Faith Communities to End Child Abuse and Neglect. Herald Press, 2010.

Heggen, Carolyn Holderread. Sexual Abuse in Christian Home and Churches. Herald Press, 1993.

Herman, Judith. Trauma and Recovering: The Aftermath of Violence—from Domestic Abuse to Political Terror.  Basic Books, 1997.

Ingraham, Dale and Rebecca Davis. Tear Down This Wall of Silence: Dealing with Sexual Abuse in Our Churches.  Justice Keepers Publishing, 2017.

Jansen, Melane. From the Darkest Night: Meditations for Abuse Survivors. Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2001.

Jones, Dawn Scott. When a Woman You Love was Abused: A Husband’s Guide to Helping her Overcome Childhood Sexual Molestation.  Kregel Publications, 2012.

Keenan, Marie.  Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church: Gender, Power and Organizational Culture.  Oxford University Press, 2013.

Kroeger, Catherine Clark and Nancy Nason-Clark. No Place for Abuse: Biblical and Practical Resources to Counteract Domestic Violence.  IVP Books, 2010.

Kroeger, Catherine Clark and James Beck, Healing the Hurting: Giving Hope and Help to Abused Women. Baker, 1998.

Livingston, David. Healing Violent Men: A Model for Christian Communities. Fortress Press, 2002.

Magrath, Sue. Healing the Ravaged Soul: Tending the Wounds of Child Sexual Abuse. Wipf and Stock, 2016.

Mann, Mary Ellen.  From Pain to Power:  Overcoming Sexual Trauma and Reclaiming Your True Identity.  Waterbrook, 2015.

McClure, John S. and Nancy Ramsay. Telling the Truth: Preaching about Sexual and Domestic Violence.  United Church Press, 1998.

Miller, Melissa. Family Violence: The Compassionate Church Responds. Herald Press, 1994.

Moessner, Jeanne Stevenson, ed. Through the Eyes of Women: Insights for Pastoral Care. Fortress Press, 1996.

Nason-Clark, Nancy.  The Battered Wife: How Christians Confront Family Violence. Westminster John Knox Press, 1997.

Nason-Clark, Nancy and Catherine Clark Kroeger and Barbara Fisher-Townsend.  Responding to Abuse in Christian Homes: A Challenge to Churches and Their Leaders. Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2011.

Poling, James. The Abuse of Power: A Theological Problem. Abingdon Press, 1991.

Poling, James. Understanding Male Violence: Pastoral Care Issues.  Chalice Press, 2003.

Porter, Muriel. The New Scapegoats: The Clergy Victims of the Anglican Church Sexual Abuse Crisis.  Wipf and Stock, 2017.

Powlison, David. Recovering from Child Abuse: Healing and Hope for Victims. New Growth Press, 2008.

Reju, Deepak. On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church. New Growth Press, 2014.

Rossetti, Stephen J. Slayer of the Soul: Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church. Twenty-third Publications, 1990.

Shooter, Susan. How Survivors of Abuse Relate to God: The Authentic Spirituality of the Annihilated Soul. Routledge, 2012.

Storkey, Elaine. Scars Across Humanity: Understanding and Overcoming Violence Against Women. Cascade Books, 2015.

Tchividjian, Basyle. Protecting Children from Abuse in the Church: Steps to Prevent and Respond. New Growth Press, 2013.

Thompson, Carolyn J. Abigail’s Veil: A Domestic Violence Handbook for Clergy and Church

Tracy, Steven.  Mending the Soul: Understanding and Healing Abuse. Zondervan, 2011.

Trothen, Tracy J. Shattering the Illusion: Child Sexual Abuse and Canadian Religious Institutions. Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2012.

Yantzi, Mark.  Sexual Offending and Restoration.  Herald Press, 1998.

Pastoral Abuse & Safe Place Policies

Fortune, Marie M. and James N. Poling.  Sexual Abuse by Clergy: A Crisis for the Church. Wipf and Stock, 1994.

Gaede, Beth Ann. When a Congregation is Betrayed: Responding to Clergy Sexual Misconduct. Alban Institute, 2006.

Harder, Jeanette. Let the Children Come: Preparing Faith Communities to End Child Abuse and Neglect. Herald Press, 2010.

Kenny, Nuala. Healing the Church: Diagnosing and treating the Clergy Sexual Abuse Crisis.

Novalis, 2012.

Lebacqz, Karen and Ronald Barton. Sex in the Parish. Westminster/John Knox Press, 1991.

McClintock, Karen A. Preventing Sexual Abuse in Congregations: A Resource for Leaders. Roman and Littlefield, 2004.

Ormerod, Neil and Thea. When Ministers Sin: Sexual Abuse in the Churches.  Wipf and Stock, 2018.

Poling, Nancy Werking, ed. Victim to Survivor: Women Recovering from Clergy Sexual Abuse. United Church Press, 1999.

Sipe, A.W. Richard and Thomas P. Doyle. Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes: The Catholic Church’s 2000 Year Paper Trail of Sexual Abuse.  Crux Publishing, 2016.

Stephenson, Rev. Anne. Adult Sexual Abuse in Religious Institutions: Faith Seeking Understanding.  Xulon Press, 2016.

Tchividjian, Basyle. The Child Safeguarding Policy Guide for Churches and Ministries. New Growth Press, 2017.

Human Trafficking

Belles, Nita. In Our Backyard: A Christian Perspective on Human Trafficking in the United States. Free River, 2011.

Larson, Susie. Embracing Your Freedom:  A Personal Experience of God’s Heart for Justice.  Moody Publishers, 2009.

Miles, Glen. Stopping the Traffick: A Christian Response to Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking. Regnum Books, 2014.

Walker, Daniel.  God in a Brothel: An Undercover Journey into Sex Trafficking and Rescue. Intervarsity Press, 2011.