WICC Board Blessing and Release for Dr. Anita Gittens

Dr. Anita Gittens – Thank you!

Below is the blessing and release for Anita shared at the October 2023 annual general meeting as well as some words of goodbye from Anita.


Blessing and Release for Dr. Anita Gittens

We give thanks for your grace filled presence on the WICC Board for over 8 years.

We give thanks for your soft- spoken wise words and thoughtful actions prayerfully considered and faithfully offered.

We give thanks for every role you have filled and every heart you have touched by your presence, your patience, your guidance, and your prayers.

We give thanks and praise for your place and time with the WICC Board.

We bless and release you with thanksgiving and best wishes.

We pray for your continued well-being and loving service to and for the world.

Bless all that you do as you go from here.

Go with God and our thanks, love, and prayers.

We thank you dear Sister and we remain your partners in prayer and action.

With love and thanksgiving.

WICC Board October 2023

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