World Day of Prayer 2024 Service Available on Video

A 58-minute video of the World Day of Prayer 2024 service, with participants from across Canada, has been created to view at home and in churches.

The video is based on the worship service prepared by Palestinian Christian women, and then presented and produced by the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada.

The video contents include:

  1. Closed captioning in English for all speaking and singing content. Some content is offered in both French and English.
  2. Two dynamic worship leaders – a mother and daughter from the East Coast
  3. A devotional message from Rev. Steph McClellan based on Ephesians 4: 1-3
  4. Background content on Palestine
  5.  Prayers, stories from Palestinian Christian women
  6.  Familiar hymns performed by a Salvation Army trio, a young talented east coast musician, and an award-winning Juno vocalist.
  7. “What is Peace?” message featuring children and youth from across Canada
  8.    An opportunity to reflect
  9.   An opportunity to donate in support of WDP and grant projects
  10. Pictures from 2023 WDP services and celebrations across Canada and the world

For a three and a half minute demo of the full-length video, and further information on obtaining a copy, please click on

To watch this full-length service video, visit after January 15, 2024. It can be downloaded, for free, from the WDP resource section of

To order a USB with the video from the WICC store go to

You may use the video in a videoconference (e.g., Zoom meeting, Facebook).
You may show the video in a church/auditorium setting.


Format     Date available  Internet required  Steps required



January 15, 2024  




A link to the video will be on the website





January 15, 2024  




On the website

·         Log in as WDP coordinator

·         Download the video


USB memory stick/flash drive


Place your order now. ($20)





Can be used in a USB drive in a

·         Projector

·         Newer TV monitor

·         Desktop computer

·         Laptop computer





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