Rooted in Faith, Called to Action – World Day of Prayer 2023 Grants

Offerings received through the World Day of Prayer transform our prayers into action in the form of project grants that empower women and children in our own country and throughout the world. All regions share in the grants, with consideration given to the greatest need.

An application for a project grant will be considered from:

  • Canadian organizations (registered charities) supporting local or international initiatives with and on behalf of women

Applications which support program work with women in the following areas will be considered: stopping violence against women, economic justice, health, education, anti-racism, and peace. We encourage projects that:

  • are cooperative and promote self-sufficiency
  • contribute to raising awareness of underlying causes of suffering
  • contribute to women’s empowerment
  • enable women to develop their full potential
  • provide education and training for women

Application Deadline:  March 31, 2023

Go to, and click on Grant Programs for more information or CLICK HERE.

2 comments on “Rooted in Faith, Called to Action – World Day of Prayer 2023 Grants

  1. Zainab Jerrett on

    Dear WICC, our organization is a registered incorporated Canadian non-profit organization that works locally and internationally to enhance women’s empowerment and address gender-based violence (GBV). However, our organization does not have charitable status. Can we still apply for this grant? Thank you for continuing to provide funding to organizations that offer programs to stop violence against women, promotte economic and social justice and equity, and women empowerment.

    • catherine.mackeil on

      Thank you for your work to support women and address gender based violence. Unfortunately, WICC is unable to provide grant funding if you don’t have a CRA code for charitable status because of the accountability required for our policies.


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