Beryl Williams – WICC Legacy Donation

Committing to God’s work was so important to Beryl. Her passion to empower women subject to injustice lives on with ongoing funding to WICC from the Beryl Williams Foundation. Thank you!

From her birth on February 10, 1935 to her death on Sunday, July 7, 2019, Beryl encouraged and blessed all around her with her love, spirit of generosity and her faith. She was born in Barbados and was the only surviving child of eight. In 1956 she married Luther Williams and had three children. She was a strong believer in the power of education, and she and Luther left their beloved home in 1967 to provide their children with more opportunity in her newly adopted home of Canada. As a newcomer, while raising her young family and working full time, she went to school at night to ultimately become a Registered Nurse, a dream of hers.

Above all, most important to Beryl, was serving the Lord in a truly tangible manner, something she learned from her devout Christian mother Clarisse Pile. She was a full participant in any church community she called home, from attending weekly church services and prayer meetings, to teaching Sunday school, leading small groups and praying for and encouraging others. She was generous to a fault, from travelling to Haiti to provide medical care to those in need to driving for Meals on Wheels and driving patients to medical appointments.  In her 70s she would join her church choir to go to seniors’ homes to sing for residents. She was the leader of the local Sew on Fire chapter where she used her sewing talent to lead a group of women from her church community to sew bags for needed supplies to be sent to those less fortunate in different countries around the world. When she wasn’t involved in her volunteer activities, she was cooking up a storm for her family, especially the grandkids, or she was attending Aquafit or walking on the treadmill when it was too cold out for her liking.

Beryl’s greatest love were her four grandchildren. She prayed for them daily and loved them fiercely and protectively. And nothing made her happier than watching them eat her many meals prepared with love for them and all were invited to her table.

Interested in making a legacy donation? Your gift can prepare a path for the next generation to grow in faith and develop a passion for justice. Simply name WICC in your will under Charitable Business Number 10821 9890 RR0001.  Identifying WICC as a recipient for a memorial gift reminds others of your passion in life.  Contact the WICC office if you have any questions. Thank you for your generosity.




One comment on “Beryl Williams – WICC Legacy Donation

  1. Lois Ottmann on

    This is truly an amazing and inspiring story. Thank you for sharing! What a wonderful Christian example Beryl Williams was/ is ! ?

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