Grant Stories

Battlefords Family Health Centre

Battlefords Family Health Centre, Saskatchewan, has been a Health Canada Accredited primary health care site for over 17 years. It partners with Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre and Prairie North Regional Health Authority. In 2007, BFHC established 13 community gardens in North Battleford and Battleford.

Quick Facts

Country: Canada

Grant Program: World Day of Prayer

Year of Grant: 2018-2019

Grant Amount: $2,000

BFHC Gardens’ Role in Prevention and Early Intervention of Diabetes 

To help address the Battlefords’ higher than average diabetes rates, grant money was given to assist incorporation between disease prevention/early intervention and garden plots. This happened formally and informally as participants tended to 60 gardens, learned about food groups and preserving, enjoyed nutritious fresh produce, and worked together in family units.

With youth involvement, the project continued to use many land-based learning strategies such as the 3 sisters’ planning using the 4 direction method. Plants were added to the healing garden, and Cree language signage was created.