Grant Stories

Survivor’s Hope Crisis Centre Inc.

Survivor’s Hope Crisis Centre operates in northeastern Manitoba to provide crisis intervention support for victims and secondary victims of sexualized violence. As well there are educational opportunities to create awareness and dispel myths that support gendered violence.

Quick Facts

Country: Canada

Grant Program: World Day of Prayer

Year of Grant: 2018-2019

Grant Amount: $5,000


Decolonizing Programming

The Survivor’s Hope Crisis Centre consulted with the Heart Medicine Lodge, an Indigenous sexual assault recovery program, in order to revise their 40 hour SARAH volunteer training (SARAH –Sexual Assault Recovery and Healing). The new instruction helps volunteers be more sensitive to the needs of Indigenous victims receiving support, therefore, leading to healthier lives.

The cultural sensitivity goal is achieved, as well, by contracting Indigenous experts to lead a full day educational experience on reconciliation, diversity and oppression.