Grant Stories

Under the Same Sun (UTSS)

Under the Same Sun (UTSS) is a Canadian Christian organization that aims to end discrimination against albinism in Tanzania and all of Africa.

Quick Facts

Country: Tanzania

Grant Program: World Day of Prayer

Year of Grant: 2018-2019

Grant Amount: $4,500

Women and children are especially vulnerable to brutal attacks and black market trading of albino body parts. Societal ignorance and related witchcraft beliefs are behind such disturbing practices that promote a belief that albino anatomical features are to be used in charmed potions that lead to health, wealth and good luck.

Empowering Women with Albinism to Seek Higher Education: the Laptop Program

Women with albinism are among the most marginalized in Tanzanian Society. The goal of this project was to ensure that promising postsecondary students with albinism had equal access and possibility for success in higher education by ensuring they had the support and tools needed to succeed.

The total UTSS budget (3 phases) to equip 56 students with laptops and training was $54,500 CAD. $4,500 provided by the Womens InterChurch Council of Canada specifically purchased laptops with MS Office software and large letter keyboards for 6 female beneficiaries.