Interviews Available! | Meet Taiwan artist Hui-Wen Hsiao and former Taiwan missionary – Rev. Michael Stainton

Want to add some specific, unique knowledge about Taiwan for your World Day of Prayer 2023 services or planning meetings?

The Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada recorded insightful interviews with both the WDP artist, Hui-Wen Hsiao, and former missionary to Taiwan, Rev. Michael Stainton.

Hui-Wen lovingly described the inspiration behind her art as well as details about her personal and professional life in both Taiwan and Germany.


Michael has first hand knowledge about living in Taiwan and is a strong advocate for the resiliency of this island country.  In the interview, we learn fascinating facts about missionary George Leslie Mackay and his wife Minnie.

One comment on “Interviews Available! | Meet Taiwan artist Hui-Wen Hsiao and former Taiwan missionary – Rev. Michael Stainton


    GREAT INTERVIEW WITH MICHAEL – WE IN EMBRO HELD A CELEBRATION LAST FALL FOR THE 150 ANNIVERSARY OF Rev Geo Leslie MacKay’s arrival in Formosa NOW Taiwan. WE LEFT THE DISPLAY THAT WE HAD FOR THAT CELEBRATION IN PLACE FOR THIS WORLD DAY OF PRAYER 2023 knowing it was to be a service from the women of Taiwan.. WE HAVE INCLUDED REV MacKay’s favourite hymn in our WDP service also. The Ontario rep that I mentioned this info – said she would pass it along. We in Embro/ ZORRA/ OXFORD COUNTY were very disappointed that our 1st Presbyterian Missionary from Canada was not mentioned in the service WRITTEN BY THE WOMEN OF TAIWAN. As Michael said “Geo Leslie was a gift!”


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