My WICC Board Member Story – Stephanie McClellan

I am Rev. Stephanie McClellan, an ordained United Church of Canada minister for the Lewisporte pastoral charge in Newfoundland and Labrador. At the moment, I live between two huge snowbanks blocking the sight of my lovely home which I share with my dog and two cats, all of whom love to participate in the Zoom calls with WICC Board members. Not to worry, the pets know how to be confidential.


It gives me great pleasure to be part of this faithful organization – WICC – as we work to restore hope for women touched by injustice. I currently serve as the board vice-president, Personnel Team chair, and am a member of the World Day of Prayer and Fellowship of the Least Coin Teams. One of the many blessings that I have received being a part of the Women’s Inter-Church Council is the discernment, encouragement and calling forth of my specific God-given gifts of creativity and leadership.


Whether by active leadership participation or as a member of the congregation, World Day of Prayer services have always been inspiring. I met Inez Penney soon after I arrived in Newfoundland and heard all about her work as the Newfoundland rep for WICC regarding WDP and FLC. The work and the grant program intrigued me, so when her term was up and she asked if I would be interested in the role, I was more than pleased to put my name forward to the Nominations Team.


I was hooked at the very first meeting I attended. Working with incredibly faithful, competent and compassionate women from many different denominations to encourage justice around the world was a passion, and I was more than pleased to take on more leadership as it was offered.


The trust put in me to help write policy for the Personnel Team led to a steep learning curve. However, it became a great joy when I realized how it could lead to the encouragement of our wonderfully dedicated staff and grow the prayer liaison between WICC staff and board members.


The scripture that comes to mind in our work together is a familiar one – Micah 6: 8 – “What does the Lord require of us? To do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God.” I am daily encouraged by the collegiality, communication and prayer commitment of the women on WICC’s Board as we discern God’s grace and justice through grants given to deserving organizations across Canada and around the world. These grants come from the donations of faithful women in over 1000 WDP services across Canada.


I love the WDP and FLC visions that link all of us together, honouring our small gifts to God and our obedience to Micah 6: 8 accomplishing far more than we could ever hope or imagine!

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