Shelter Crisis – Prayer and Action Needed in Canada!

Psalm 23 “… and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever”

Dwelling…having a home… a safe place. Housing is essential. Affordable and available housing is an “issue” from coast to coast to coast in Canada.

Shelter is a basic human need. Some say it is a human right.

Oh Canada! In this affluent country why is affordable housing so hard to find? Many women and children are in need. Many people couch surf, live in tents, cars, and vans and on the street. Many need shelter. The numbers are growing.

I currently work in the Downtown East Side (DTES) of Vancouver BC. This place is “ground zero” of the intersection of poverty, homelessness, mental illness, human trafficking, drug trade, gang warfare and drug addiction crisis in this city. The tent city on the downtown city streets is a sign. Terminal city…the place people come to die. This is Vancouver, Canada. World class city and slum. This is the “true north strong and free.” Is this the best we can do and be? NO!!!

What can I do you ask?

PRAY! For guidance, compassion, empathy, energy, and real solutions.


Phone, write letters and email your MPP – Ontario, MHA – NFLD, MNA -Quebec, MLA – all other provinces and territories, and Municipal councillors to register your concern about the housing crisis and to ask them what they are doing about it.

Learn about the housing issues in your neighbourhood. Volunteer to get involved. Become part of the solution. Donate your time, energy and resources to the various causes that are seeking solutions to this justice issue.

The work of WICC is grounded in prayer and action to support women and children who are affected by injustice.

Join us to do this work together.


Rev. Jennifer Goddard-Sheppard

WICC Board member



2 comments on “Shelter Crisis – Prayer and Action Needed in Canada!

  1. Anne Smith on

    I hear your cry and and am with you. I am part of the Compassionate Committee for the Homeless in North Bay Ontario and our membership is made up of volunteers from various churches in North Bay. We are praying and working and advocating here so it is good to know that we are part of a large network of concerned and faithful people. May God bless you and keep you

  2. Sharron Colter on

    Upon reading this article I feel sad as the Women’s Shelter in Owen Sound Ontario told me they did not need any help for shelters in the area as the government had given them lots of money. The participants in the World Day of Prayer had given me permission to write a grant application to WIIC as we have not applied for a WIIC grant in the past. They may be an opportunity this year..


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