World Day of Prayer 2023 Artwork

 World Day of Prayer
Prepared by the WDP Committee of Taiwan
March 3, 2023
“I Have Heard About Your Faith”
Artist Statement

We are excited to unveil the artwork for World Day of Prayer 2023.

Description of the artwork

The artwork depicts many themes from life in Taiwan. Taiwan has a history of being colonized by different foreign governments, which led to experiences of ethnical, cultural, social, and political conflict and integration. The artist used several motifs that highlight Taiwan’s best-known features to express how the Christian faith brings peace and a new vision to Taiwan.

The women in the painting are sitting by a stream, praying silently and looking up into the dark. Despite the uncertainty of the path ahead, they know that the salvation of Christ has come.

Two endangered species are featured: the Mikado pheasant and the black-faced spoonbill, which are both of unique significance to the Taiwanese people. The Mikado pheasant is endemic to mountainous regions of Taiwan and is usually regarded as one of Taiwan’s national birds. The black-faced spoonbill migrates thousands of miles every year to spend the winter in Taiwan. Their distinctiveness symbolizes a characteristic of the Taiwanese peopleconfidence and perseverance in times of difficulty.

The green grass and Phalaenopsis (butterfly) orchids stand out against the dark background.

They are the pride of Taiwan, which has a worldwide reputation as the “Kingdom of Orchids.” In recent decades, Taiwanese orchid’s exports have increased, and butterfly orchids have frequently been featured in international competitions. This beautiful island is known for its rich natural resources. Green grass represents the Taiwanese as simple, confident, strong and under God’s care.

About the artist

Hui-Wen HSAIO was born in Tainan, Taiwan, in 1993. In 2017, she received her bachelor’s degree in Visual Communication Design at Kun Shan University in Tainan. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Intermedia Art Therapy (Intermediale Kunstterapie) at MSH Medical School in Hamburg, Germany.

“Ever since I was young, I have attended a Presbyterian church with my mother and brother. Engaging with God’s words and experiencing the liturgy have shaped and strengthened my faith. The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan traditionally holds worship services in Taiwanese (Tâi-gí), which demonstrates the significance of preserving the language. Even though young people nowadays commonly speak Mandarin, I value that my faith has been nurtured by communicating it in Taiwanese.

As a woman, I want to explore the female identity through my artwork. The subjects of my art always depict the relationship of mothers, women, and people. In my exhibitions, I compose my artwork to express my observation, gratitude, and faith.

I cherish my God-given talents and serve God with my artwork. I humbly hope people will know God through my art.”


Copyright © 2021 World Day of Prayer International Committee, Inc.

“I Have Heard About Your Faith” was prepared by the World Day of Prayer Committee of Taiwan for the worship service and educational activities for the 2023 World Day of Prayer (WDP) annual celebration. WDP materials are developed for the exclusive use of WDP programs organized by national or local committees and their partner organizations. For any other use, materials from the WDP 2023 Resource Packet may not be reproduced without the permission of the World Day of Prayer International Committee (WDPIC).

Limited reproduction rights granted—Artwork and Artist Statement may be reproduced—printed or electronically—for WDP activities with congregations and groups, if appropriate credit is given. WDP National/Regional Committees are permitted to resell reproductions of the resources for the purposes of the WDP program.


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