World Day of Prayer 2023 Coordinator Letter

♦  If you are no longer the World Day of Prayer Coordinator for your area, please quickly pass this letter on to the person who is and let our office know about the change.

Or if there is no Coordinator for your area, please tell us that too.


October 25, 2022

We are excited to bring you the World Day of Prayer (WDP) 2023 program which was written by women in Taiwan. The theme for 2023 is “I have heard about your faith” based on Ephesians 1: 15-19.

World Day of Prayer Coordinator is an important role, and your help in planning a service and telling others in your community about it is greatly appreciated.

Photos from Taiwan – remember WDP donations fund grants all over the world!

We are happy to bring you all the information you need to coordinate a service:

  1. The WICC website,, has all the resources you will need. To access these materials, use your email address to register as a Coordinator.  Click here for step-by-step instructions to register online.  If you do not have an email address, please recruit a friend or relative or church member who is willing to share theirs and receive information about WDP.  After registering, you will also receive emails with WDP updates and information about special events. Note: if you have registered as a coordinator on in the past, you do not need to do it again.
  2. Access information on coordinating WDP at: You can find the Leader’s Planning Guide here. This document includes ideas for preparing for the service.
  3. The 2021 and 2022 videos of a recorded WDP service were so popular that we are making another one for 2023! It has participants from across Canada with closed captioning.
  • You can download the video service for free after February 1, 2023.


  • You can buy a USB memory stick ($20) that includes the service video as well as music from Taiwan that you can play during your WDP gathering.  Order online at  With the USB, you will also receive a paper copy of the worship service, a bulletin version, information on the country, and offering envelopes. These will be shipped in the New Year but please order as soon as possible.
  1. The WDP Worship Service will be available to you as a computer file when you log in as a coordinator. The Service is available in English, bilingual English and French, Mandarin,  Spanish, and German.
  2. There’s lots more for World Day of Prayer on our website: posters, music, recipes, hymn suggestions, a devotional video message, a PowerPoint service and much more. All resources are available to download for free.
  3. For free Offering Envelopes, please order online or call or email our office.

If you have been a coordinator before, these changes may be new to you:

  • Coordinators can order online without a service tracking number (your email is important)
  • Ordering online is easy and you no longer need the printed order form
  • Get the music for free from our website (we no longer produce a CD with music). The music is also on the USB.

Remember to continue to follow the latest health guidelines in your area for COVID-19.


We Are Here to Support You


If you need assistance to register or log in, or with any other aspect of World Day of Prayer, please contact your WDP Field Rep:

Field Rep Area                                Field Rep                        Email Address                      Telephone

BC, AB, SK, YT, NT, NU                  Linda Ervin                           250-493-5333

ON*,                                               Cathy Tubb                              416-450-1027

*Toronto, ON                                  Janet MacFadyen        647-515-7770

MN, QC, NB, PE, NS, NL                Patricia Baker                        204-416-0133

Or contact the WICC office administrator, Nancy Weir, at 416-929-5184 or

Save the date: Saturday November 19, 2022 from 1-2pm EST for an online WDP Coordinators’ Network event. Register online for the Zoom link at


Thank you so much!

We deeply appreciate your time and talents in support of the World Day of Prayer.


Catherine MacKeil

Executive Director WICC


We join together in a worldwide movement of informed prayer and prayerful action for peace and justice despite the pandemic while keeping everyone safe.

Click Here to download this letter to your computer.

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