Category: WICC

Rooted in Faith, Called to Action – World Day of Prayer 2023 Grants

Offerings received through the World Day of Prayer transform our prayers into action in the form of project grants that empower women and children in our own country and throughout the world. All regions share in the grants, with consideration given to the greatest need. An application for a project grant will be considered from: Canadian organizations… Read more »

Charitable Donation Tax Receipts – how and when they are produced

Every dollar is important and your support is greatly appreciated. Here are some notes for online receipts to understand how and when they are produced: 1. Donors using the Donate button on will be prompted for their contact information and a receipt will be emailed from CanadaHelps. 2. If donors use the CanadaHelps website… Read more »

WICC Fall Fundraising Letter

Dear Friend, Together we are making a difference in many lives. Over the past year, people enjoyed many new opportunities to gather and pray and learn. Grant funding provided support to women and children affected by domestic abuse, poverty, food shortages, human trafficking, and racism. On behalf of WICC, I would like to thank you… Read more »

Welcome Cathy Reid, WICC Board President

Our newest WICC President came to the Board as the appointed member for the Women’s Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Cathy has been a valued member of the WICC Executive for a few years as Secretary and President-Elect. We now welcome her to the role of President and anticipate great blessings during… Read more »

Message of Thanks to a Special President!

Written by Janet MacFadyen with intro by Cath MacKeil At the recent WICC Annual General Meeting, Steph’s term as WICC President was completed. Her two-year leadership period happened during COVID and the Board was unable to gather in person. We appreciate how Steph used her gifts and skills to create an amazing virtual Board team.… Read more »

Pray NOW Podcast – Learn about Change with Rev. Shirley DeMerchant, host

Watch for another inspiring Pray NOW video podcast coming soon! The focus of the upcoming Pray NOW broadcast is “Change and how it has impacted us personally, spiritually and as an organization”. Storytelling helps us identify how we have been impacted by experiences. Our panel discussion will include some thought provoking and personal questions: What… Read more »

EcoJustice – Written by Rev. Lynn Mitchell, WICC Board member

A favourite possession of mine is a large, inflatable globe on which there is an image of the earth as seen from outer space.  With all its green, blue, and whiteness it looks serene, whole.  There are no lines, no demarcation zones, no borders, boundaries, or barriers, no countries and continents dissected into smaller, quarrelsome… Read more »