Category: We-Connect

World Day of Prayer 2023 Artwork

 World Day of Prayer Prepared by the WDP Committee of Taiwan March 3, 2023 “I Have Heard About Your Faith” Artist Statement We are excited to unveil the artwork for World Day of Prayer 2023. Description of the artwork The artwork depicts many themes from life in Taiwan. Taiwan has a history of being colonized… Read more »

Restorative Justice Resources: Taking Action Against Gender-Based Violence

WICC has continually supported grassroots organizations fighting violence against women through prayer, grants and resources. Violence against women happens in all cultures and religions, in all ethnic and racial communities, at every age, and in every income group. Statistics reported by the Canadian government and Department of Justice over the last ten years consistently echo… Read more »

“Why pray? How to Pray?” – Anita Gittens, WICC Board Treasurer

1 Thessalonians 5: 16 -18 (New International Version) “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” It is so often said that “Prayer is talking to God”, it is a way of communicating with God. We know that in building all relationships, communication is… Read more »

WICC Story by Brenda Halk, WICC Board Member

Brenda Halk has represented the Canadian Baptist Ministries on the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada (WICC) Board since 2021. Her connection to WICC started thirty years ago when, as a young mom, she was asked to lead two World Day of Prayer services in Waterloo.  Two years ago, Brenda reconnected with WICC to assist a… Read more »

Fundraising 2022

WOMEN’S INTER-CHURCH COUNCIL OF CANADA   Dear Friend of WICC, We are praying that you and your family are well in this prolonged pandemic and troubled times. In the midst of uncertainties under which we are living, the World Day of Prayer emerges each year like a balm of hope with an invitation to place… Read more »

Committed to Indigenous Support – Awakening Grants

AWAKENING GRANTS WICC is Committed to Supporting Indigenous Women and Children via Awakening Grants. Would you like to be part of this process? Together, we can fund projects that provide support in the following areas: Addressing gender-based violence Economic justice, health Cultural education Child welfare Advocacy Anti-racism Peace Projects will promote these values Cooperation Self-sufficiency… Read more »

Feedback from WDP 2022 “I Know the Plans I Have for You”

World Day of Prayer 2022 – England, Wales and Northern Ireland. We received hundreds of messages about WDP 2022 – England, Wales and Northern Ireland – along with donations.  Below are some of these inspiring words. I am making a personal donation and hope other ladies do as well.   We will plan an in-person for… Read more »

My WICC story by Lise Gauvin, WICC Member at Large

I am a proud Francophone who was born in the Ottawa area (at home) and currently live in Nepean, ON.  After grade 13, I trained as a teacher but found my career calling in public service and then staffing, eventually working for the RCMP. Many Public Service Human Resources advisors for the latter are in… Read more »