Frequently Asked Questions about World Day of Prayer (WDP 2024)

How is the writing committee chosen for World Day of Prayer?  In August 2017, 188 delegates traveled from around the world to attend the World Day of Prayer International Meeting in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. These women came from Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox traditions to pray together, share their stories in community, and make decisions for the… Read more »

WICC Board Blessing and Release for Dr. Anita Gittens

Dr. Anita Gittens – Thank you! Below is the blessing and release for Anita shared at the October 2023 annual general meeting as well as some words of goodbye from Anita.   Blessing and Release for Dr. Anita Gittens We give thanks for your grace filled presence on the WICC Board for over 8 years.… Read more »

World Day of Prayer (WDP) 2024 Coordinator Event

Learning about World Day of Prayer 2024 November 18, 2023 at 1 pm EST Hello to all! We are excited and pleased to bring you an opportunity to connect with coordinators and planning teams across Canada while we learn about World Day of Prayer 2024. The Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada (WICC) has created this… Read more »

World Day of Prayer 2024 Coordinator Letter

♦ If you are no longer the World Day of Prayer Coordinator for your area, please quickly pass this letter on to the person who is and let our office know about the change. Or if there is no Coordinator for your area, please tell us that too. November 2023 Hello World Day of Prayer Coordinator… Read more »

World Week of Peace in Palestine and Israel

World Week of Peace in Palestine and Israel is September 16 – 23, 2023. (Note: the World Day of Prayer in March 2024 was written by women in Palestine.) The International Day of Prayer for Peace is September 21, 2023.  Church organizations, congregations, and people of faith are encouraged to bear a common witness by… Read more »

Cooking with Sumac

Sumac is a wild plant that is common across the Mediterranean region. You can find sumac growing almost anywhere! Due to its abundance, it has made its way into much of the cuisine and medicinal uses across the Middle East, in Turkey, Lebanon, and some parts of Europe and Africa. The berries of the plant… Read more »

World Day of Prayer 2024 – Artist Statement

“Praying Palestinian Women” By Halima Aziz This artwork was made in honour of World Day of Prayer 2024. Through “Praying Palestinian Women”, the artist represents three Palestinian women praying together in nature in a peaceful place. In her work, the artist has different symbols that indicate the origin of these women and their cohesion. Olive… Read more »

News for World Day of Prayer 2024 Coordinators

«  If you are no longer the World Day of Prayer Coordinator for your area, please quickly pass this letter on to the person who is and let our office know about the change ( Or if there is no Coordinator for your area, please tell us that too. October 2023 Hello World Day of… Read more »