WICC Story by our Executive Director

My name is Catherine (Cath) MacKeil. I live in Toronto, Ontario, but consider myself a “Maritimer” at heart. Fredericton was my home until I graduated from university, and then I lived in the Halifax area for many years. My husband, daughter and I moved to Ontario in 2006 when Scott was transferred for his work.… Read more »

My WICC Board Member Story – Awit Marcelino

When we first get to know people, we usually ask, “What do you do?” and in the Greater Toronto Area, we often add, “Where do you live?” since so many people commute for work and school from cities an hour or more away. What do I do?  I’m a Master of Divinity student at Emmanuel… Read more »

My WICC Board Member Story – Stephanie McClellan

I am Rev. Stephanie McClellan, an ordained United Church of Canada minister for the Lewisporte pastoral charge in Newfoundland and Labrador. At the moment, I live between two huge snowbanks blocking the sight of my lovely home which I share with my dog and two cats, all of whom love to participate in the Zoom… Read more »

My WICC Board Member Story – by Mary Nordick

As a Life Member of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada who has served in the League at parish, diocesan, provincial, and national levels, I know well the joy and blessing of serving the Lord through service to neighbour, and of working with women of faith.  In the fall of 2018, I was thrilled and… Read more »

My WICC Board Member Story – by Anita Gittens

I live in Toronto and am blessed to be a part of the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada (WICC). For many years I have looked forward to assisting with planning and attending World Day of Prayer services in my area.  The preparation meetings are a time to connect with women of other denominations to pray,… Read more »

My WICC Board Story – by Cathy Reid

I live in London, Ontario, and my link with World Day of Prayer started when I lived in Scotland.  Throughout this time, I loved the connections made through meeting and praying together on a theme set by a host country. Joining with women on the same day all over the world made me realize how… Read more »

My WICC Board Member Story – by Phyllis Buchner

Let me start by sharing this passage from Jeremiah 29: 11,12 (NRSV): ”For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm,  to give you a future with hope.  Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear… Read more »

Winnipeg Celebrates WICC’s Hundredth with Joy

The Women’s Inter-Church Council of Winnipeg (WICW) wrapped up WICC’s 100th Anniversary celebrations, which began in Newfoundland in March, with a brunch at the Canad Inns Winnipeg on Saturday, November 3. We had representation from twelve faith groups and greetings from many including the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, Janice Filmon. The gathering included all ages… Read more »